Our Company
We, ProsperSof Consulting Co., Ltd., called as ProsperSof, are a professional business-IT-consulting provider for many large-medium enterprise business systems such as: Telecommunication, Insurance, Airline, Banking, University, Hospital, ERP, CRM, IVR, Back Office, and Workflow.
Our Vision
To be energetic leader in business consulting services for worldwide enterprise-business through practical innovation, valued customer experience, scalable network and potentiality people.
Our Pride
- Jun 2009, ProsperSof officially delivers Flyer Pass system, e-commerce system for booking a flight and customer self-service of Bangkok Airways by using Flyer Pass Card.
- Aug 2009, ProsperSof joins with Contour Graphic, our valued partner, to implement Amway-Touch Screen, a supporting center system for Amway Business Owners.
- Sep 2009, ProsperSof joins with Contour Graphic, our valued partner, to develop Amway-Thai Society Foundation system, a foundation website for Amway Thailand.
Press Release:
01 Jul 2009, Prospersof launches PSC EMP service #1, internal service system, to expand our potentiality of project management in order to deliver higher reliable service.
27 Jul 2009, Prospersof officially supports and contributes some budget to Dhurakij Pundit University robot team, substitute of Thailand, to participate ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2009 Tokyo on 20-24 August 2009 in Japan.